News and Advice on Myopia and General Eye Care for Patients and Professionals

Paragon Vision Sciences mission explained: We don't just change vision, we change lives

Paragon Vision October 24, 2019 Nearsighted, CRT Lenses, Contact Lenses, Orthokeratology, FDA Approved, Myopia, Ortho-K, Eye Doctor, CRT, vision, nearsightedness, eyes

Paragon Vision Sciences mission explained We dont just change vision, we change lives

With vision, anything is possible. The ability to see clearly brings confidence1 – and with confidence comes the ability to meet whatever life throws at you! Paragon Vision Sciences’ mission is to change lives by improving the vision of people across the globe.

What’s Slowing You Down?

Nearsightedness, also known as myopia, is where distant objects appear blurry and out-of-focus.

Nearsightedness usually begins in childhood at school age (six years and onwards.) When left uncorrected, nearsightedness can affect a child’s ability to learn and develop.2

Also, when left untreated, severe myopia can progress rapidly and lead to vision complications such as glaucoma, premature cataracts, myopic macular degeneration, and retinal detachment.3

Nearsightedness is reaching epidemic proportions: it currently affects a quarter of the world’s population, and in the U.S. alone, cases have increased by 66 percent since 1971.2,4 Early detection is the key to prevention and reduction of potentially serious complications later in life due to nearsightedness.2

A Mission to Improve Lives

Paragon Vision Sciences has pioneered a revolutionary way to see the world! Paragon CRT® Overnight Contact Lenses offer a treatment for nearsightedness that helps improve quality of life. When Paragon CRT® Lenses are worn overnight, patients wake up to clear vision after removing the lenses and can see without the need for glasses or daytime contacts. While a patient sleeps the lenses gently correct the curvature of the cornea so light is correctly focused on the retina.

Paragon CRT® Lenses have been prescribed in over 50 countries5 – and people are pleased with the results! 97% of patients have reported that Paragon CRT® Lenses meet or exceed their expectations.6

Seeing the Future

Unlock your child’s potential! Paragon CRT® contact lenses can be prescribed for any age.7 Lenses like Paragon CRT® have been clinically proven to improve a child’s ability to learn, increase their confidence and self-esteem,8 and achieve greater success in sports.¹ Say goodbye to concerns about your child’s ability to see during class, make the goal on the field, or keep track of their glasses or daytime contacts. Paragon CRT® Lenses offer a world of freedom, so your kids can focus on what really matters!

Have freedom to live an active lifestyle! Paragon CRT® is a great fit for adults with active lifestyles. From traveling to climbing to hiking or skiing, live life without limits. Go glasses and daytime contacts free!

Paragon Vision Sciences’ mission is bigger than eyesight. It’s about changing lives.9 If you or your child is ready to be free from glasses or daytime contacts, schedule an appointment with a certified Paragon CRT® eye doctor today.



[1] F. Z., G. Z., & Z. Z. (2018). Investigation of the Effect of Orthokeratology Lenses on Quality of Life and Behaviors of Children. Contact Lens Association of Ophthalmologists, Inc., 44(5). Retrieved May 8, 2019.

[2] Holden, B. A., Fricke T. R., Wilson D. A., Jong M., Naidoo K. S., Sankaridurg P., Wong T. Y., Naduvilath T. J. and Resnikoff S. Global Prevalence of Myopia and High Myopia and Temporal Trends from 2000 through 2050. Ophthalmology 2016; 123: 1036-1042.

[3] Xu L, Wang Y, Wang S, Wang Y & Jonas JB, ‘High Myopia and Glaucoma Susceptibility: The Beijing Eye Study’ Ophthalmology, Volume 114, Issue 2, February 2007.

[4] Vitale S, Sperduto RD, Ferris FL 3rd. Increased Prevalence of Myopia in the U.S. between 1971-1972 and 1999-2004. Arch Ophthalmol. 2009 Dec;127(12):1632-9. PubMed

[5]  Paragon Vision Sciences, Data on file, 2017

[6] Paragon Vision Sciences, Consumer Survey, Data on File, July 2019

[7] FDA Approval Letter

[8] Dias, L., Manny, R. E., Hyman, L., & Fern, K. (2002). The Relationship between Self-Esteem of Myopic Children and Ocular and Demographic Characteristics. Optometry and Vision Science, 79(11)

[9] McAlinden, Colm, and Lipson, Michael. Orthokeratology and Contact Lens Quality of Life Questionnaire (OCL-QoL). Eye & Contact Lens. 2017; 0: 1-7.