News and Advice on Myopia and General Eye Care for Patients and Professionals

What is Corneal Reshaping?

Paragon Vision August 06, 2019 Nearsighted, CRT Lenses, Contact Lenses, Orthokeratology, Myopia, Ortho-K, corneal refractive therapy, CRT


When it comes to treating nearsightedness, most people think of corrective lenses such as glasses or conventional daytime contacts. Some may even think of LASIK surgery. What people don’t always know, is that there are more options for treating this vision condition. In fact, there are some treatment options, such as corneal refractive therapy, that utilizes overnight contact lenses to reshape the cornea, leaving your vision clear and you glasses and daytime contacts free all day long.


How Corneal Reshaping Works


Corneal refractive therapy is a process in which the cornea is reshaped by wearing overnight contact lenses like Paragon CRT®, a specialty oxygen-permeable contact lens design. As you sleep, the lenses reshape the surface of the eyes, changing the way that light passes through your cornea and focuses on the retina. In the morning, you remove the lenses and can go about your day enjoying clearer vision without the aid of glasses or daytime contacts.


Who Can Corneal Refractive Therapy Help?


Corneal refractive therapy is a great option for many people of all ages who have been diagnosed with nearsightedness. Nearsightedness can affect many different aspects of life and prevent you from being able to participate in activities or events that you otherwise normally would. Although glasses or daytime contacts may help, they are not always a good option for nearsighted people who, for example, play contact sports such as football, or work in environments where there is lots of dust or other pollutants that get dispersed into the air. Because corneal refractive therapy does not require corrective lenses to be worn during the daytime, it is a great option for anyone who leads an active lifestyle, works in a dirty environment, or otherwise wants to be able to enjoy their day without having to wear lenses.


Children who have been diagnosed with nearsightedness can especially benefit from corneal refractive therapy. From struggling to see the board at the front of the classroom to being restricted in playing their favorite sport, Paragon CRT® lenses may be the perfect treatment for children as well as adults.


How Long Does Corneal Refractive Therapy Last?


Corneal refractive therapy (CRT) is something that you have to repeat wearing nightly in order to continue enjoying the benefits of clearer vision throughout the day. One of the benefits of CRT is that it is reversible; you may start or stop corneal refractive therapy at any time. Ultimately, you should work with your optometrist to achieve your desired results.


Is Corneal Refractive Therapy Painful/Dangerous?


While the idea of having your corneas reshaped may sound painful, corneal refractive therapy is a widely accepted gentle technique. Not to mention, a great option for those seeking a non-surgical treatment. If you have not worn contact lenses before, you may notice or feel the lenses on your eye while you are awake; however, once you become used to them, and as you sleep, you will not notice the lenses. Paragon CRT® lenses are FDA approved.1 No greater risk or danger has been reported with CRT lenses than with conventional contact lenses. This means that you can enjoy clearer vision and have peace of mind.


How to Find an Eye Doctor with Corneal Refractive Therapy Experience


If you, your child, or another family member is nearsighted and doesn’t feel that glasses, daytime contacts, or surgery are a good fit for them, then corneal refractive therapy may be the perfect solution. There are certified Paragon CRT® eyecare professionals all around the United States. Get clearer vision by setting up an appointment with a certified doctor in your area.



[1] FDA Approval Letter