News and Advice on Myopia and General Eye Care for Patients and Professionals

When Should You See an Eye Doctor?

Paragon Vision July 27, 2017 CRT Lenses


If you, your child, or your elderly parent have noticed vision changes, it’s time to schedule a screening with an optometrist you can trust. Whether you need your first corrective prescription or have a more serious age-related eye disorder, your doctor can provide treatment options.

For Kids

Many pediatric eye doctor visits start with a note from the school nurse. Your child fails the school’s annual vision screening, and the nurse recommends a doctor visit. Between screenings, your child may develop vision problems the nurse didn’t detect, and because they come on so gradually, they may not realize they need help.

Vision problems can negatively affect school performance, athletics, and everyday activities — but solutions such as glasses, contacts or Paragon CRT lenses can help. Book an eye exam for your child if you notice one or more of these symptoms:

  • Sqinting. When kids narrow their eyelids to better focus on an object, the object probably looks unfocused or blurry to them. If near vision is fine but faraway objects are blurry, your child may have myopia (nearsightedness). If objects nearby are out of focus, your child may have hyperopia (farsightedness).
  • Holding objects close to the eyes or sitting close to the television. To make text, pictures or video look less blurry, kids sometimes hold items like books and tablets much closer to their faces. They may also sit unusually close to the television when they’re watching shows or playing video games.
  • Eye pain and headaches. Children who have frequent headaches or who complain of eyestrain need a vision check.
  • Poor concentration at school and during homework. Kids lacking focus at school should have their vision checked. Poor vision can cause big struggles with schoolwork and homework.
  • Tilting their head or covering one eye. When kids have problems with eye alignment or “lazy eye” they may favor the other eye to compensate. There are  treatment options to help both eyes function equally.

For Adults

If you’re struggling with vision problems, don’t worry — visiting an optometrist is easy and painless. The doctor or technician will ask you to look at pictures or text and answer questions about them. They may also shine a bright light into your eye to check its internal structures. Most optometrists check for glaucoma, which involves a quick puff of air in each eye.

Sometimes, adults avoid vision screening because they don’t want to wear glasses or contacts. They know about LASIK surgery, but they’re not sure it’s the right procedure for them. If you’re having these concerns, Paragon CRT lenses may be the alternative you’re seeking. They provide effective vision correction without glasses and contacts — and without surgery.

For Seniors

Many age-related eye problems start without obvious symptoms. That’s why people over 60 need regular eye exams to help catch serious problems before they cause major eye damage.

Common Age-Related Eye Conditions

  • Cataracts. Increasingly blurred vision, light sensitivity and diminishing ability to recognize color could signal the existence of cataracts.
  • Loss of peripheral vision. Glaucoma starts with no symptoms or pain, but in time, it can cause significant side vision loss.
  • Worsening straight-ahead vision. Struggles with reading, writing, driving, watching television and even facial recognition can be traced to macular degeneration. Seniors who have macular degeneration often lose their ability to differentiate colors and fine details.
  • Dryness. Chronic dry eye is common among seniors. An eye doctor can recommend eye drops and other helpful remedies.
  • Worsening overall vision. Chronic illnesses like diabetes can damage delicate blood vessels in the eye. If untreated, blindness may result.

Age-related vision problems can place seniors at significant risk while they’re driving, so schedule an eye doctor visit if you need help talking to an aging parent about driving. An optometrist can support both of you during this challenging conversation.

For Everyone

If your doctor discovers vision problems, you don’t have to settle for traditional glasses or contact lenses. CRT lenses could be a great option for you. Next time you visit your local eye doctor, here are 5 Questions you should ask. 

CRT lenses are gas-permeable contact lenses — in other words, hard contact lenses — that you wear at night while you sleep. They gently reshape your cornea overnight, so you won’t need contacts or glasses during the day.

A Paragon CRT-certified eye doctor can evaluate whether you are a good candidate for CRT lenses. And they’re not just for you — children over the age of 6 and seniors can also benefit. Don’t ignore vision problems, whether for yourself or someone you love. Find a certified optometrist near you.